Sunday, January 9, 2022

Making a Reset

“The greatest power you possess in life is your understanding that each day life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh.” 
Guy Finley 

  Timanthes was an aspiring Greek artist during the Roman era. While studying under a well-respected tutor, he was nearing completion of a major painting. Upon arriving in the morning, he found the canvas blotted out with paint. Enraged, he confronted his teacher who admitted to destroying his work. His tutor said, “You were spending so much time admiring what you had done, that you were no longer improving. This was a great painting for some, but not for you. You can do much better.”
  So, Timanthes went to work again, energized with anger. But his mentor was right. The new and improved product became one of the most famous paintings of antiquity, Sacrifice of Iphigenia. Thanks to a little-known art teacher who insisted that his student do a reset and start over.
  This time of year, we reflect a lot on the past and the future. Networks carry programs reviewing highlights and low points from the past year. People talk about resolutions and goals for the coming year. It would be wise if we used this time as an opportunity for a reset.
  Now I’m not suggesting that you quit your marriage, your job, or ditch your kids, but you can have a new marriage, new kids, new job, etc., by resetting yourself. Reset being the husband/wife you are, reset your parenting, reset your reputation at work, reset your walk with the Lord.
  Making a reset takes something few are willing to invest. Many have a sense of dissatisfaction with the state of their life, yet they’re so busy doing that they fail to take the time to evaluate what they’re doing.
  2,500 years ago the great philosopher, Socrates warned: Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” Most of us are so busy that we fail to take the time to evaluate our lives. Or, worse we justify what we’re doing because it must be right because “everyone else is doing it.” But what if all of the birds are flying in the wrong direction. Your Mom was right, “just because everyone else jumps off the roof, doesn’t mean that you should too.”
  Making a reset requires taking time for evaluation. For the Christian it means taking some time alone with the Lord, praying, and asking for the wisdom that He’s promised to supply (James 1:5).
  Making a reset requires vulnerability with those who love you and are spiritually mature. For most of us our spouse is our greatest source of insights on where we need a reset. Those who love us the most usually know us the best. Ask these questions: If I could grow in one area this year, what do you believe I should grow in? If I made one change to improve our relationship this coming year, what would it be?
  Then, each of us needs a godly friend who will honestly speak into our lives. Just a word of caution. Sometimes our contemporaries and close friends are just that because there is no friction between us. Either they won’t risk confronting us or they think, value and look at life the same way we do. In others words, they don’t rock our boats. For a reset though we need spiritually mature friends who are willing to rock our boats.
  Solomon had such a friend in mind in Proverbs 27. In verse 5 Solomon writes, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love.” Verse 6, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” and verse 9, “the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.” Having this kind of friend means having our world rattled and moving outside of our comfort zones.
  Making a reset requires having an eternal perspective. At this time of year, we’re blitzed with commercials about diet programs and fitness clubs.  Getting fit and physical exercise is important, but it will only help you for this brief life.
  The Bible compares our physical bodies to tents. If your neighbor had a tent in their backyard and spent tons of money redecorating, patching, and changing the colors to keep up with the latest trends, you’d think, “what a poor investment.” Most of us focus on the maintenance of our “tents,” yet neglect our souls.
  1 Timothy 4:8 says, “for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” Making it a priority to daily spend time in your Bible and in prayer is an investment, not just for this temporal world, but for eternity.
  The average person spends a couple of hours on social media every day, yet we somehow rationalize that we don’t have time for God’s Word and prayer. What’s more important? The latest news or trends or God’s eternally good news that can change your life?
  The Lord Jesus gave His life for us and wants what’s best for us. He wants our lives to count for this world and for eternity. So, like an exercise program start small. If you begin with a Bible/Prayer marathon, you’ll soon quit. Consistency is more important than quantity. Determine to take 10 or 15 minutes a day with the Lord.
  Most find that starting in the morning is best. Otherwise, you find by the end of the day you’re just too tired. The reset many need is to simply start.
  Making a reset requires continually exercising your mind. Wise parents know that they have to teach their children to love more nutritious food than Happy Meals. God gave us our minds to be used. They need to be stretched and prodded.
  The average American reads four books a year. Most of us could easily read a book a month. It would only take 10 minutes a day. You probably spend more than that waiting for trains at railroad crossings. Stretching in our reading helps us reach this world. It helps us think more clearly and have a larger worldview.
  Before we blink we’ll be ringing in 2023. Let’s do a reset and wisely invest this year, making it the best year ever!

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