Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Inevitable Cannot Be Denied

“We have a right to believe whatever we want,
but not everything we believe is right.” Ravi Zacharias

One of my heroes is dying. Internationally known speaker and Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias, has been battling a rare form of bone cancer since March and was recently informed by doctors that his cancer has spread and there’s nothing more they can do medically. Medically speaking, they have done all that is doable.
  I love his books. On a few occasions, I’ve had the privilege of hearing Ravi speak personally. His Homegoing will be a great loss for the Church.
  One of my favorite of the many anecdotes that he shared was from his book, Can Man Live Without God? He writes:
  “There is a story told, whether factual or not I do not know, of the onetime heavyweight boxing champion of the world, Muhammad Ali, flying to one of his engagements. Ali’s name has never been synonymous with humility, and thus whether this story is fact or fiction, the notoriously yet affectionately branded ‘Louisville Lip’ at least made possible such an anecdote. During the flight the aircraft ran into foul weather, and mild to moderate turbulence began to toss it about. All fliers will know that when a pilot signals ‘moderate turbulence,’ he is implying, ‘if you have any religious beliefs, it is time to start expressing them.’ The passengers were accordingly instructed to fasten their seatbelts immediately. Everyone complied by Ali. Noticing this, the flight attendant approached him and requested that he observe the captain’s order, only to hear Ali audaciously respond, ‘Superman don’t need no seatbelt.’ The flight attendant did not miss a beat and replied, ‘Superman don’t need no airplane either’.”
  But Ravi Zacharias doesn’t need either a seatbelt or an airplane for his next journey. He has something much greater – he has the promises of God. Years ago he committed his life to Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior and he is ready for his ultimate and last journey. Are you?
  One of the current popular lies being batted about is “We can save Grandma.” Please understand, you can’t. I’m not suggesting that seeking to protect our elderly population from potential infection by Covid-19 virus is wrong so that they can live longer is a bad idea. I am though pointing out the inevitable – you can’t protect Grandma or Grandpa or their grandson or granddaughter from our final fate – Death. Death can sometimes be delayed, but it cannot be denied. As the writer of Hebrews penned, “And just as each person is destined to die…” (Hebrews 9:28, NLT).
  Walk through any cemetery and you’ll see this truth. Death is no respecter of persons. It comes for the very old and very young. In four decades of ministry I’ve officiated funerals of those who lived for a few hours to those who were nearly a century old, and everything in between. Death is inevitable. It cannot be escaped.
  Because death is certain for all of us, a wise person is prepared. It’s a journey that eventually all of us will take. If each of us are going to have to take this journey, then it’s essential that we have an accurate roadmap.
  I’m thankful that technology has improved so that we can now have GPS on our phones, though every now and then GPS is wrong. Some years ago Jane and I were looking for a Walmart in a small town. After circling back further and further into a subdivision, we realized that somehow our GPS was completely wrong.
  God’s Word, the Bible, is a certain map guiding us both on how to live and how to die. Sometimes you’ll hear someone question that with, “That’s just your interpretation.” This is why at Grace we do not attempt to interpret the Bible, instead, we seek to understand what God has already written there. We also encourage you that if what you learn in our church is not in the Bible, then hit the delete button and please factcheck us!
  Words have meaning and the Bible is a book full of words that God as the Author wants us to understand. Even the biggest skeptic and “that’s just your interpretation” fanatic looks both ways when crossing Lakeshore Drive in Chicago. Words have meaning.
  This is why we’re committed to working our way through the Bible systematically at Grace, as we’re currently doing with the book of Philippians in our Sunday series, Joy No Matter What. None of us needs one more subjective opinion. We need a certain roadmap. The Bible is that.
  God’s Word is the medicine that encourages and brings healing to our souls. It’s also a mirror that points out flaws that need to be remedied. Our loving God has given us all of the information that we need for this life and the next, because the fact is that none of us are going to get out this world alive. It’s why it’s critical that we have the right roadmap from the One who is already in heaven waiting for us.
  Oftentimes someone will say, “I don’t believe the Bible. It’s full of myths and contradictions.” If someone says that to you, please ask them one vital question, “Have you ever read it?” Sadly, everyone, I’ve ever asked that through the years has always responded, “No.” Usually, I don’t have to connect the dots for them. To reject something that makes such strong and powerful claims without ever checking the evidence for yourself is foolish.
  C. S. Lewis tells of three apprentice devils who were coming to earth to finish their apprenticeship. They were talking to Satan, the chief of the devils, about their plans to tempt people. The first devil said, “I will tell them that there is no God.” Satan responded, “That will not delude many, for they know that there is a God.” The second devil said, “I will tell them that there is no hell.” Satan answered, “You will deceive no one that way; they know that there is a hell.” The third devil said, “I will tell them that there is no hurry.” (Pause) “Go,” said Satan, “and you will ruin them by the thousands.”
  Before you read this, Ravi Zacharias, may be Home with Jesus. He’s ready. He didn’t wait because none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. Are you ready my friend?  

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