Sunday, September 30, 2018

It's NOT about the "fish"

“We think of missionaries as God's ‘super servants,’ Jesus’ Navy Seals. The word ‘missionary’ is never used in the Bible, however, not even once. That’s because all of God’s people are sent; all of God’s people are commanded to go. There is no ‘special class’ of sent ones.” J.D. Greear
  Okay, I’ll confess. I’m not a bumper sticker person. Hopefully this won’t offend you, but I’m also not a Christian t-shirt person. It’s just that I know myself. Too often my actions and tongue are in motion far ahead of my brain and heart. I’m still working on the sanctification of my right foot. While I’m not what’s dubbed an aggressive driver, I’m an offensive one. I learned to drive in Chicago…sometimes it still shows. And I don’t wear Christian t-shirts because my mouth can leap ahead of my heart.
  My family still remembers the time that I’d had enough of a guy giving me grief and I called him in front of God and everybody, a “Twit.” It wasn’t my finest hour. Later I apologized to him for losing my cool.
  Maybe you know of it happening, but I’ve never heard of a motorist being flagged down by another driver who was convicted by the sight of a fish on the back bumper. Nor am I aware of anyone who asked the wearer to tell them about Jesus because they saw their Christian t-shirt. More than we want to admit, we’re bad advertisements for Jesus instead of good ones.
  Please understand, as Christians, we’re not perfect. The Bible is clear though that if we know Jesus, we should be very different from those who don’t know the Lord (2 Cor. 5:17) There should be areas of our lives, that to a non-believer, are totally unexplainable. Let me suggest three.
  Peace. Peace is an increasingly rare commodity in our raging world, yet everyone wants it. Many spend lots of time and money attempting to somehow artificially manufacture it. A quest for peace is the motivation behind the addiction epidemic. Everyone wants true peace, yet few have it.
  When others see it, it makes them curious: How could you sit there and just take it? Doesn’t that scare you? Don’t you hate her? You forgave him? Aren’t you worried? Do you realize what’s at stake? How do you sleep at night? You’re going to sue, aren’t you? How can you be so calm?
  Being a person of peace always stands out. While peace and joy are benefits of being a believer, they’re not just for our benefit. They’re beacons in our lives that create curiosity, causing others to pause and wonder. Peace and joy demonstrate the authenticity of our faith. God brings dark circumstances in our lives to give peace and joy an opportunity to shine brighter than normal. Most folk around us pursue “happiness.” Peace and joy are God’s gifts freely bestowed on us at salvation. We don’t pursue them. We accept them as gifts from our Heavenly Father. Because we have peace and joy, we can be okay on both the outside and inside.
  So, how’s your peace these days? Would others want the peace and joy that you have? Would they know that you know the Prince of Peace?
  Healthy Relationships. Ours is a relationally challenged world. Very few couples or families know how to, much less have, healthy relationships. Many have relationships with cyber friends, yet continually bicker with those with whom they share physical space. Dysfunction abounds. People are disillusioned and desperate relationally. They squeeze those around them for as much love and acceptance as they can, but still come up very short. But then, they see a husband and wife who love each other with a healthy marriage. A loving family stands out, one where siblings actually get along and adult children enjoy and long to go home for the holidays.
  It forces them to ask questions: Why them and not me? How did they get there? What’s their secret? Are they for real or is it a façade? They’re so lucky? I wonder what they’re like behind closed doors?
  It’s why it’s vital that we seek to live biblically and problem-solve in our marriages and family. Strong marriages are rare. Loving, healthy families are a sad exception. All of the trappings of success – a huge house, nice car, lots of toys, out of this world vacations – never bring soul satisfaction. Being a big deal at work with bad relationships at home is a vacuous life. Those with healthy relationships often find that others are watching. Others notice when relationships are robust and want to know what you have.
  Character. A shrinking minority know what character is. Few have actually met or observed someone with character. Instead, everyone is suspect. When the average person meets someone who appears to have character, they’re suspicious…cynical. They assume there’s duplicity or a hidden agenda. Character is rare and it’s hard to believe that it’s authentic.
  Character is who are you are when no one is looking. It means doing what’s right, as God defines right, regardless of personal cost. Because character is so rare, it makes some feel uncomfortable. They don’t know how to handle it. It goes against the amoral, non-absolutism of our society.
  A Christian is to be a person of character. To be blunt, you can sleep around and still be a good surgeon. You can cheat on your mate and have little trouble continuing to practice law. You can be a successful salesperson and cheat on your taxes. But you can’t do those things if you’re a Christian and continue to enjoy God’s blessing. Compromise makes us unblessable. Christians are to have character. When it’s real, others notice.
  If no one is wondering what makes you different, maybe it’s because you’re not. Being a “missionary” means letting God’s light shine through you. It would be good if Christians started praying something like this: “Father, let my light shine before others in such a way that they may see my good works, and glorify my Father who is heaven” (Matthew 5:16)? It’s time for Christians to stop only asking God for His blessing and protection. We must get back on mission and ask God to use us and to shine His light through us. Pray that He’ll shine His light through you, and your marriage and family! Others are watching. Hopefully, they see peace, healthy relationships and character. Hopefully, they see Jesus in you! 

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