Sunday, May 12, 2024

Homesick for Mom

“We need to be homesick for heaven. Though we have never been there, we still have something God has built within us that gives us a certain homesickness, a desire to be there.” Greg Laurie
Every spring a I get a little homesick. Though Wisconsin is my home and has been for over forty years, I still miss Atlanta where I grew up. I find that I particularly miss the blooming of the dogwood trees in the spring. There are so many in Atlanta that they have a “Dogwood Festival” every year. My favorite has to be the pink dogwood.
  Mother’s Day also makes me homesick, yet not for my past home but for my future Home. It’s hard to believe that my Mom has been in Heaven for nearly 55 years. The last time I saw her, she and my two sisters were on their way to a wedding on a rainy Friday night of the Memorial Day weekend. The next time I saw her, it was just her body…really her arm from the open car door where rescue personnel had checked her pulse at the bottom of a steep embankment. From the top of the highway, I recognized the watch on her wrist and knew that it was my Mom.  
  Hebrews 12:1-2a says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.”
  That “cloud of witnesses” are believers, specifically ones from the Old Testament, who looked forward in faith. Every Christ-follower is surrounded by the saints of the past in a unique way. It’s not that the faithful who have gone before us are actual spectators of the race we run. Rather, it’s a figurative representation and means that we ought to act as if they were in sight and cheering us on to the same victory in the life of faith that they obtained. We’re to be inspired by the godly examples these saints set during their lives. These are those whose past lives of faith encourage others to live that way, too. That the cloud is referred to as “great” indicates that millions, hopefully billions, of believers have gone before us, each bearing witness to the life of faith we now live.
  Though I went through some deep waters and had times of running from God and even bitterness at Him, the Lord has used my Mom’s example to both encourage and inspire all of these years. My Mom came to Christ when I was about four years old and though I don’t remember much of her pre-conversion life, her conversion life is indelibly printed on my heart.  
  My Mom spent time with the Lord every morning. In can still see her sitting at the kitchen table, Bible open, lime green coffee cup on the table beside it. It was an example for me. It’s very rare for me to begin any day without time in the Word. It changes me and prepares me for the day.
  My Mom was consistently patient. It probably happened more yet I only remember my Mom becoming angry one time…and if anyone could make you angry, I could. I was a bit of a rascal as a kid (think Denis the Menace). Though my two older brothers were nearly adults and essentially out of the home, I had two older sisters and there are two years between us. Ina was nearly five years older, and Suellen is two years older than me. We fought and scrapped and fussed a lot as siblings often do.
  Though she didn’t have the support of my Dad, my Mom would seek to have devotions with the three of us. We weren’t overly cooperative, but she persevered. She tried and I still remember it.
  She wasn’t perfect, yet to my knowledge, she truly didn’t have any enemies. She had a friend who’d been struck with ALS that we’d go visit. Another was limited financially but my Mom would reach out to her. Though her own mother had died when she was in her twenties, she loved my Dad’s folks and tried to be a blessing and help his parents out.
  My Mom persevered even when she was consistently mistreated. My Dad was driven to succeed. His family when he was growing up had been one of the poorest in their county with his Dad a drunk and a moonshiner. My Dad was determined that was never going to happen to him, so he cut ethical corners. To cope with the pressure he became addicted to prescription drugs. Though he was a charmer outside our home, he would take out his stress and anger on my Mom. There’s no good way to say it…he was mean. It was common after my Mom had made dinner for our family for him to so pick at her during the meal that she’d leave the table in tears. There were a few times when he actually physically abused her.
  She wasn’t a doormat yet for his cruelty, she returned kindness. She didn’t gripe at church or with her Christian friends about what a horrible person he was or how bad their marriage was. She did have a close group of godly friends who she’d pray with and that she could ask for spiritual support. Looking back, I think it was only to keep her unsettled, but he’d often threaten to divorce her. For some reason, he was just cruel.
  The night she was killed in a car wreck, I remember her at the top of the stairs with my Dad downstairs watching TV. She lovingly said good-bye to him, but he retorted back with some angry reply. Her Christlike spirit in the face of hatefulness is a model that I seek to emulate yet so often fail.
  My Mom prayed for me. After she was gone, I learned that she continually prayed for me and my four siblings. I know that I am where I am today in answer to her prayers. Yet, like so many mothers, she never saw her prayers answered in this world, but she prayed in faith. 
  There’s a lot of pressure on moms today to be Super Moms. Many have had to exchange being homemakers for the workplace, which has increased fatigue and pressure. The truth is that there are no Super Moms. Yet, every Mom can be a saintly Mom. It means like Mary; you need to regularly sit at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42). You’ll never have the influence on your children without His influence on you. There’s pressure to help your children be successful in this world. Real success and what they’ll eternally thank you for is helping them be successful in the real world, God’s world.   
  Heaven is sweeter for me because it will be the first time since childhood that I’ll see my Mom again. It’s why I’m a little Homesick. So, Moms, this Mother’s Day, renew again your commitment to knowing Jesus and influencing your children for a life of worth that’s successful for eternity!


Can we help you spiritually? Please check out more resources on our church's web page, Or call us at 262.763.3021. If you'd like to know more about how Jesus can change your life, I'd love to mail you a copy of how Jesus changed my life in "My Story." E-mail me at to request a free copy. Please include your mailing address. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

We're here for those not here...yet


“The church is the church only when it exists for others.” 
                                                                Dietrich Bonhoffer

 Church consultant, surveyed members of nearly a thousand churches asking the question: “Why does the church exist?” Of the members surveyed, 89% said, “The church’s purpose is to take care of my family's and my needs.” Wow! Essentially, that means the job of the pastor is simply to keep those attending happy. Only 11% said, “The purpose of the church is to win the world for Jesus Christ.”
  It’s heartbreaking that there are many churches which are little more than “religious social clubs.” They’re satisfied with those who are already there and only looking for those to come that are like them. How can we have that mentality when Jesus commanded us to reach our world? How can we have that mentality when our world is so hurting and such a disaster?
  That’s not us! At Grace, we’re committed to being part of God’s search and rescue team. It’s why we get excited about every new person who walks through our doors. We don’t care if they just got out of prison or flew in on a private jet. Jesus died for every single person that you will meet and every person that you meet is going to spend eternity somewhere. By God’s grace, we want to take as many with us to heaven as we can. It’s why we are here for those who are not here yet. We live in a lost and hopeless world. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope!
  If you’re a Christ-follower, you are part of Jesus’ mission team. The Great Commission is for every Christ-follower. Jesus told us, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Our community is our end of the earth. Your family, your workplace, your neighborhood is your end of the earth. God has placed you there to be His EMT, His salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16).
  The Bible compares evangelism to farming. Everyone knows that farming is a process. You must prepare the soil and cultivate. Then, you sow the seed and finally reap the harvest. All three functions are essential. Yet, we don’t know what part of the process we’re in with the lost around us. No one sows seed one day and expects to pick the harvest the next.
  So, how do we reach out to those in our circle of influence that don’t yet know our Savior?
  We must start with prayer. Jesus prayed frequently. Paul prayed. Early lay leaders like Stephen prayed. This is God’s work so we must pray for His power. God wants us to pray for those who don’t know Him in our circle of influence. Jesus specifically asked us to pray to the Father and ask Him to send more workers into the field (Matthew 9:37-38). Every believer is a “worker.” The field is our world, specifically our neighborhood, workplace, and community. So, pray for those in your circle by name. Maybe target half a dozen of them that you have a relationship with and pray for them on a regular basis.
  And when you pray, pray for compassion. We can become so caught up in our own world that we overlook the needs of those around us. Compassion motivates us to have conversations. It helps us to cry over the lost and to come to God with a humble request for their salvation.  
  Then, pray for the desire to witness. As you pray this regularly, the Lord will give you a passion to share Jesus with others. Along with that, pray for boldness and the courage to speak up when there’s an opportunity.
  The great Scottish Reformer, John Knox prayed, “Give me Scotland, or I die.” Let’s pray that the Lord will give us Burlington and Waterford…and the surrounding area for the gospel. 
  We must slow down and build gospel bridges. Building relationships takes t-i-m-e. Most of us try to cram 10 lbs. of life in a 5 lb. bag. As a result, many are talking yet few are listening. To reach people, we must be listeners. Jesus was the best listener.
  Find out what they’re interested in and what they care about, and then use that to develop a friendship and hopefully a relationship with the Savior. Jesus is the model. When He met with Peter the professional fisherman, He talked about fishing. That’s what it means to be incarnational. We must enter their world and speak their language. Take the time to take a coworker to lunch or have a neighbor over for a meal. Build a friendship.
  Share what you have so you can share the Savior. If you’re a gardener, share some of your produce with a neighbor or co-worker. If you’re at the store and there’s a sale on something like fruit, buy extra and give it away. I love books and am a thrift store-aholic. I frequently look for books to give away to my friends that I know would be of interest to them.
  Break out of the holy huddle and get involved in the community. Many Christians only have Christians as friends, but you don’t fish in a fishbowl. So, at work, go to the office party. Go out with them after work.  
  Develop relationships in the community. If your children are involved in sports or school events, help out. They’re always looking for coaches or assistant coaches or any type of volunteer. Join the PTO. Help your child’s teacher. Ask the teacher or school how you can help. Every organization in our community is looking for volunteers. It’s why our church helps out at community events or organizes events to serve our community.
  If you love to play a sport, join a tennis or golf club. Invite someone out of your circle to play. If you fish or do crafts, invite them to join you. The opportunities are endless. Use what you love to show Christ’s love to them.
  Humbly ask for help. Ours is a culture that loves to help yet is too proud to ask for help. Yet, you can’t be a Christ-follower without first humbling yourself and admitting that you can’t fix your own life. You desperately needed Jesus to die for your sins and rescue you. Humbly admitting to a co-worker or neighbor that you could use help will amazingly open doors. It might be something as simple as asking for assistance moving a large piece of furniture or borrowing a cup of sugar. I’m not mechanical but had a neighbor who was. Asking for help laid the foundation for a friendship.
  Being part of the Jesus’ rescue ministry has eternal significance. Look at the focus and time usage of your life. What else that you’re investing your time in truly has eternal significance? You’re the missionary in your world. Are you seeking to reach your world for the Lord Jesus?

Can we help you spiritually? Please check out more resources on our church's web page, Or call us at 262.763.3021. If you'd like to know more about how Jesus can change your life, I'd love to mail you a copy of how Jesus changed my life in "My Story." E-mail me at to request a free copy. Please include your mailing address.