Sunday, January 17, 2021



“Every time I hear the word grace, I am reminded that I must live a life, every day, which reflects my gratitude to God.”  Charles W. Colson


A man once lived in his small house with his wife and six children. The house was loud and crowded. There was no peace to be found. For years, his ever-patient wife heard his complaints, shouldering the burden, until one day she asked him to go speak to the rabbi about the problem.   “Rabbi, we are too many. Our house is too small. There is too much noise. I cannot think. I cannot breathe. What do I do?” The rabbi instructed him to go home and bring his six chickens inside his house. The man went home and did as he was told. Three days later he returned to the rabbi.  “Rabbi, we are now even more. The chickens are pecking away. They poop on our floor. It is louder and messier.” “Go home and also bring your goat into the house,” the rabbi instructed. The man went home and brought the goat into his house. However, after three days he went running back to the rabbi. “The goat is eating at our furniture. He rams into our legs. Things have only gotten worse.” “Go home and bring your cow into the house as well.” The man went home and brought the cow inside the house. Three days later, he went back to his rabbi once again. “Rabbi, the house is filthy and reeks of manure. We can barely move around all the animals. The snorts and moos and sounds of the animals breaking wind keep me awake all night. Rabbi, this is terrible.” “Go home and remove all the animals from your house.” The man went home and did as he was told yet again. Three days later he returned to the rabbi, nearly skipping the entire way, joy radiating from his face. “Rabbi, thank you so very much. We removed the animals. Our house is clean and calm and quiet now. A man can find rest within its walls.”
  Gratitude! It’s amazing how much our perspective affects our gratitude. It’s amazing how many things we take for granted and even complain about. I know that I do. This pandemic has highlighted many things that we took for granted prior to all of this. 
  For example, eating out is nearly one of our “inalienable rights. Even now many restaurants only have a drive-through or pick-up. Yet how often before all of this did we gripe because of the service, food, or cost. We took it all for granted. Places like Starbucks were a go-to place to read or meet a friend. It never crossed our minds that it might cease…even temporarily. 
  A year ago who would have thought that we’d so appreciate toilet paper, cleaning wipes, paper towels, etc. All things that we assumed would always be there, took for granted, and never gave a second thought. 
  Smiles. Do you miss smiles? I do. We took facial expressions for granted prior to the pandemic. Often it’s hard to read true feelings behind a mask. 
  Family gatherings, meeting with friends, worship services…even long chats with neighbors on the front lawn. In 2020 they virtually disappeared.  At best, they happen with a good bit of social distance. 
  How did you respond to all of this? Too often my attitude stunk. I went from disbelief, thinking it’d all be over in a few weeks, to anger and even bitterness. There was even some grieving and depression mixed in there. 
  Often I begin my day by asking the Lord to use me to encourage someone that day. With the social isolation and self-pity that fell by the wayside. 
  It all clicked for me one afternoon. I was in a local store where I’m a regular. The clerk smiled when she recognized me but I was in a foul mood. Something petty going on bothered me and I complained to her. I can still see her face dropping, even behind the mask. She’d been glad to see me. I was normally a friendly face, an encourager…not that day. 
  And I remember getting into my car afterward and the Holy Spirit struck my bitter heart with a thunderbolt. How dare I be so petty, so ungrateful, such a poor representative for the Savior? And I had to confess my sin, my bitterness, my ingratitude, my selfishness, and my poor example. 
  If there is anything that makes a Christian different, it’s gratitude. It’s not that we’re pro-life, go to church or read our Bibles. Gratitude, a thankful heart distinguishes us as children of our Heavenly Father probably more than any other one trait. A grateful non-believer is an anomaly. 
  If anyone should be filled with gratitude and joy, it should be us. We know that we’ve been forgiven an unpayable debt of sin and guilt by our Savior on the cross. We know that we’re loved even though we know how terribly unlovable we are. We know that everything, the absolutely worst hell that this world can dish out is temporary. We know that even when are alone and isolated, we’re never alone. We know that nothing happens to us by accident. We know that we have friends not just for this life but for eternity, brothers and sisters who have also trusted Christ as their Savior. We have confidence that we can share our hearts, even our greatest hurts, worst failures, and deepest struggles with Jesus, our great high priest. We know that whether we’re rich or poor, talented or untalented, beautiful or ugly, live in a mansion or are homeless, drive a sports car or walk everywhere…and a million other details, that we have a Savior who loved us so much that He came to this world to rescue us from ourselves. We have a new Home beyond the stars with streets of gold where there is no sickness, pain, or loss…ever again! 
  What will make the difference in your heart? Gratitude! What will make the difference in your marriage and in your relationship with your children? Gratitude! What will make a difference in your workplace, in your neighborhood, in our church? Gratitude! Gratitude changes everything because it changes us. And as believers, we have so much to be grateful for. Our theme for 2021 is: “Gratitude is the Attitude that Changes the Altitude of our Life.” And it does. 
  But here’s the tragedy. We who have so much to be thankful for are often the worst complainers and grumblers. We too easily forget that every good thing is from our Heavenly Father (James 1:17). So, for the next eight weeks, to help us grow in this vital area and to assist us with doing a reset on our hearts, we’re working through a sermon series, Thank-FULL. 
  You don’t want to miss a single one because we all need this! Our Lord wants this for us! Our world desperately needs to see grateful Christ-followers! Will you be one? Will our church be a grateful, joyful church?

Can we help you spiritually? Can we help you know Jesus better? Please check out more resources on our church's web page, Or, call us at 262.763.3021. If you'd like to know more about how Jesus can change your life, I'd love to mail you a copy of how Jesus changed my life in "My Story." E-mail me at to request a free copy. Please include your mailing address. 


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