Sunday, December 5, 2021

Children are God's Gift

 “Fathers and mothers do not forget that children learn more by the eye than they do by the ear… Imitation is a far stronger principle with children than memory. What they see has a much stronger effect on their minds than what they are told.”  J.C. Ryle 

  A man shared with his pastor that for years he went to church at Christmas and watched as the advent candle was lit by these beautiful families, so well-dressed, well-mannered, and well-spoken. He thought to himself: “I wish I was living in a family like that. I wish my family was so put together.” What he didn't know is that beneath the surface of so many of those apparently perfect families were real-life problems and challenges. 
  Families aren’t just for perfect Facebook or Instagram posts. It’s not just for cheery-faced families or individuals with Hallmark-card lives. Our Heavenly Father is a God who loves and cares deeply for people with real struggles. There are no perfect families. Read the Bible and you’ll quickly discover some very messed up families. It's why we need the cross! Wonderfully, we have a perfect loving Heavenly Father.
  I laughed when I read one Mommy blogger who posted: “Do you know how many parenting experts there are out there? At least 3 billion. If you include random strangers in grocery stores offering free advice on how you should raise your kids, closer to 5 billion. Parenting gurus with research and thought-provoking philosophies. Books filled with creative ideas for cajoling babies to eat, poop, and sleep on command. For every child behavior issue, there are twenty experts with solutions.” The truth is there are a lot of opinions on parenting but only one true Authority. He created us and knows what’s best for us and our children.
  This morning we are having a child dedication for several Grace Church families. More accurately though it’s a Parent Dedication. These parents are committing to raise their children in a way that pleases the Lord and according to God’s Word. But because there is some confusion on what it means to dedicate a child to the Lord, let me explain what we believe that Scripture teaches about child dedication.
  First, a child dedication service is not biblically required. There are examples in Scripture where a parent dedicated their child to the Lord, but they’re not commanded nor are they the norm. For example, Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel dedicated him to God (1 Samuel 1)) and she left him at the Tabernacle so that his whole life would be dedicated to the Lord. Many others though did not. FYI: We do not want anyone to leave their child at church this morning, though I’m sure some parents wouldn’t mind if we took them for a few hours.
  Second, a child dedication service does not attain salvation for that child. Anything that we say and do this morning will not make this child spiritual, saved or destined for heaven. Salvation is an individual, personal decision and by grace alone (Eph. 2:8-9). A parent can’t trust the Lord for their child. God doesn’t have any grandchildren. What saves us is God’s grace. What saves us is trust and faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. This dedication is a prayer and commitment, asking God to please one day bring our child into a saving knowledge of Christ. It’s a prayer by the parent/s committing to raise that child in obedience to Scripture.
  Third, a child dedication service is not related to baptism or circumcision. Jewish people to this day have a male child circumcised on the 8th day. It’s a ceremony that indicates trust that this physical action identifies them with the physical nation of Israel that was given physical promises through their patriarch Abraham. Christians do not believe circumcision is necessary as any marker of true religious faith.
  A baby dedication also has nothing to do with baptism. Baptism is the outward symbol of saving faith in Jesus Christ. It’s the public act of being immersed in water to symbolize that we have immersed our lives into Christ. It’s much like a wedding ring. A wedding ring doesn’t make you married but symbolizes that you are married. Baptism is a symbol one has personally trusted in Jesus Christ. A child doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to make that commitment. Search the Bible for yourself and you will not find one case of a baby being baptized.
  Child Dedication is an acknowledgment that your child is a gift from God. “Children are a gift from God; they are His reward” (Psalms 127:3, Living Bible). Like everything else that we have, children a gift from a generous God (James 1:17). It’s because children are a special gift that we find instructions in Scripture about how parents are to raise their children. It’s because children are a special gift that those who cannot physically have children adopt or search for medical solutions. Because children are a special gift our hearts bleed when we see children mistreated or harmed.
  God expects parents to train their children in righteousness. Though Ephesians 6:4 says fathers, primarily because Dads are to be the spiritual leaders in the home, it’s for both Dads and Moms. “…Do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). Too many parents put all of their focus on the temporal and external. Your child’s education, appearance and abilities whether they are academic or athletic are minor compared to their inner spiritual life. Yet, it is very difficult to model what you are not. One of the greatest gifts that you can give your child is to love and obey the Lord yourself.
  God is using your child to make you more Christlike. All of us have spiritual character deficiencies. A child has a way of highlighting those chinks in our armor. God uses children to drive us to dependence on Him. If you think that you have all of the answers to parenting, you’re foolish (idiot seemed a little strong). Too many of us fail at parenting because we parent the way that we were parented and assume it’s good enough. God wants us to parent as He parents us. That means care, compassion and correction. It means dependence on His power and His truth.
  Children are a wonderful gift from God and He uses them to make us, to show us how much He loves us, to draw us closer, and to be more dependent on Him. They are His wonderful gift to us! And may we as the Grace Church family pray, encourage, and support these young families as they seek to raise their children to glorify the Lord!

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