Sunday, September 15, 2024

90 seconds to meltdown control!


“Nothing makes room for Satan more than wrath.” Thomas Manton

What can you do in 90 seconds? 39 students in South Korea believe you can do a lot. They sued the government because their college admission examination ended 90 seconds earlier than scheduled. They asked for 20 million Won (South Korean currency) which is about $15,400.00 each to compensate them for the cost of a year's studying to retake the exam. South Korean’s infamous college admission test, known as Suneung, is an eight-hour marathon with back-to-back papers in multiple subjects.
  It’s one of the hardest exams in the world and the stakes are very high. It not only determines university placements and jobs but even future relationships. The lawsuit claims that the bell rang earlier at their test site. Some students protested immediately but said that the supervisors still took their papers away. The teachers recognized the mistake before the start of the next session and gave the 90 seconds back during the lunch break, but student could only mark blank columns left on their papers and weren’t allowed to change any existing answers. The students said they were so upset that they couldn’t focus on the rest of the exam. Some reportedly gave up and returned home.
  If you Google what can be done in 90 seconds, you’ll find a myriad of suggestions. One that I loved was made by brain scientist, Jill Bolte Taylor, author of My Stroke Of Insight, which describes our ability to regulate that neurological process that she calls the 90-second rule: “When a person has a reaction to something in their environment, there’s a 90-second chemical process that happens; any remaining emotional response is just the person choosing to stay in that emotional loop.”
  Essentially, it’s an update on the 10-second rule when you’re about to lose your cool. Taylor suggests that it really takes 90 seconds to gain control. Her conclusions came in response to holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl’s classic book, Man’s Search for Meaning where Frankl wrote, “When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves...Everything can be taken from a human but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” That inner freedom enabled Frankl to survive the Holocaust, find meaning in his personal tragedy, and empower himself. He chose his response to his circumstances instead of letting the circumstances make the choice for him.
  What sets you off? Most of us have had the experience of a situation or a person setting us off. A rude comment, a harsh social media post, bad news, something breaks down, an unexpected inconvenience and we find we’re having a meltdown. When someone or something sets us off, it’s because we’re neglecting impulse control and failing to respond positively or even righteously to an upsetting situation.
  A Christ-follower has something far better than impulse control. Galatians 5:23 tells us that “self-control” or really “Spirit-control” is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The longer we follow Christ, the more that we let the Holy Spirit be at the controls in our life, the less we’ll blow our stack when something happens that in the past would have set us off.
  We always have a choice to react or not. Unleashing our anger is sin and no one makes us sin. We freely choose to give into the sin of anger.
  Anger though can be addictive. For the moment, letting loose may feel good. Consider this – nearly every domestic dispute, fight or even murder begins with someone losing control. It may feel good until things get out of control, somebody gets hurt, or the damage cannot be rectified.
  Many angry relational explosions repeatedly follow the same script. Your spouse, child, friend or co-worker does something that’s angered you in the past, maybe several times. It happens again and you’re again having a meltdown. So, ask the Lord to help you ditch the script. Amazingly, if one of you ditches the script, the other person must ditch theirs too.
  Self-control wonderfully too can become a habit. A preventive and spiritually mature approach is making a U-turn and practicing the 90-second rule before you lose it. Constant angry reactions to things beyond our control not only create misery but can even shorten our lives. Chronic anger creates a stressful biochemical boomerang that weakens the immune system and increases the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
  Every believer can call on the Spirit’s power to choose moment by moment how we want to be in the world. Frequently, someone will say, “I know that I have a terrible temper. I got it from my father.” Yet, every child of God has a new Father. The New Testament calls Him “Abba” which simply means “Papa” and He doesn’t have an anger issue.
  Our world is melting down with anger. As Christ-followers, we’re not of this world. God has called us to be distinctly different.
  Personally, I come from a long line of rage-aholics. One the great works in my life by the Spirit of God is a growing sense of peace and calmness. And I know that it’s not me bringing this about, it’s Jesus. You and I are commanded to be peacemakers because we know the Prince of Peace.
  One of my favorite stories of anger being resolved is from Gordon MacDonald. His story powerfully illustrates this. MacDonald writes.
  A Nigerian woman who is a physician at a great teaching hospital in the United States came out of the crowd today to say something kind about the lecture I had just given. She introduced herself using an American name.
  “What's your African name?” I asked. She immediately gave it to me, several syllables long with a musical sound to it.
  “What does the name mean?” I wondered. She answered, “It means ‘Child who takes the anger away.’”
  When I inquired as to why she would have been given this name, she said, “My parents had been forbidden by their parents to marry. But they loved each other so much that they defied the family opinions and married anyway. For several years they were ostracized from both their families. Then my mother became pregnant with me. And when the grandparents held me in their arms for the first time, the walls of hostility came down. I became the one who swept the anger away. And that's the name my mother and father gave me.” 
  My friend, when the Lord Jesus comes into your life, that’s what He does. He takes our anger away. I know that He’s done it for me (though I’m still a work in progress) and I know that He will do it for you!

Can we help you spiritually? Please check out more resources on our church's web page, Or call us at 262.763.3021. If you'd like to know more about how Jesus can change your life, I'd love to mail you a copy of how Jesus changed my life in "My Story." E-mail me at to request a free copy. Please include your mailing address. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Keep calm and Buc-ee on!


“Keep calm and Buc-ee on!”
Have you been to Buc-ee’s? If you haven’t, you’ve missed out. There’s a plan to open one in Wisconsin north of Madison in the near future.
  When you’re on a long road trip a stop at a gas station requires an evaluation of some vital questions: Does it look clean? Are the restrooms clean? If they’re not, am I up to date on my vaccinations? Does it look like Norman Bates might be the manager? (Okay, I never really ask that one).
  Buc-ee’s is the new national sensation of gas stations. The Texas-based supersized gas and convenience chain offers much more than a place to fuel up and grab some chips. Devoted fans make regular pilgrimages, sometimes driving hundreds of miles, to stock up on Beaver Nuggets and other merchandise. They hold records for the largest convenience store and longest car wash at 255 feet. Even their restrooms are award-winning.
  Founder Arch “Beaver” Aplin opened his first Buc-ee’s in Clute, Texas in 1982. The name came from combining his childhood nickname; the name of his Labrador Retriever, Buck; and Ipana toothpaste’s animated mascot, Bucky the beaver.
  Buc-ee’s is famous for their food. Each location includes a bakery, brisket and fudge bar, and an Icee station. Walls are lined with candy, beef jerky flavors, including a beef jerky bar. The bakery has about every cookie or pastry imaginable. There are BBQ brisket sandwiches, breakfast tacos/sandwiches, along with various others. Buc-ee’s is famous for its own original snacks – “Beaver Nuggets,” a flavored corn puff snack. It’s a bestseller with people driving hundreds of miles to stock up on them.
  All Buc-ee’s have nearly 100 gas pumps and even Tesla super chargers.  They also offer a wide variety of general and regional-based souvenirs, including apparel and artwork. They carry their own clothing brand, ranging from t-shirts, hats, pants, plushies, swimwear, and blankets. Some locations even sell hunting gear alongside outdoor products such as grills and firepits. In other words, Buc-ee’s has just about everything.
  Do you know the best part of Buc-ee’s? They’re so friendly! On our recent vacation we stopped at a Buc-ee’s in Kentucky around 1 am. Even at those wee hours, employees were friendly and upbeat. They thanked us for coming! Wow! Were we impressed! Not only was it clean and brightly lit, but it was like they actually wanted us there.
  Shouldn’t that be the local church? Shouldn’t that be us at Grace?
  When we’re on vacation we look for a church to worship at. Over the years our family has visited countless ones. Regrettably, some have not been a positive experience. If we lived in the area, we wouldn’t return.  
  In one a few years ago, I had to interrupt a conversation the man passing out bulletins was having to ask if I could have one. One of my unforgettable experiences was being encouraged in the service to pick up a gift for first timers at the Welcome Desk, only to find that they were already shutting it down (I went right away) and again had to interrupt a conversation to ask for the free gift the pastor had urged me to go get.
  My point is that it’s so easy to forget for those of us who have attended Grace for a long time how intimidating it can be to visit a church for the first time. It’s more difficult if you’ve never really attended church. Add to that the complexity if you have young children and are unsure what their experience will be (Where do they go? Will they be safe? Is it clean?)
  Then, with a growing national single population, you can feel like a 5th wheel if you attend church by yourself. It’s estimated that 51% of Americans are single. They’re either divorced, widowed, or separated, or have always been single (never married).
  Sometimes you must experience something to understand it. It’s why I’d encourage you when you’re on vacation to visit a church. It can be eye-opening, hopefully in a great way, and you’ll come back bubbling with how you were treated as a special guest by another family of believers.
  At Grace, we are all part of the Welcome Team. Remember the “Golden Rule”? “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them” (Matthew 7:12). Think about how you’d want to be treated if you were visiting a church for the first time. You’d want to be welcomed. You’d want to know people care. Loneliness is an epidemic today. People need to know that we care…and we care because Jesus cares.
  Did you know where making new people feel welcome and wanted at our church begins? In the parking lot. It sets a whole tone of grace and friendliness. A few years ago, Dave and Jen Bonnar began attending Grace because the parking lot greeter connected with them. (Shameless ministry commercial – we desperately need more parking lot greeters).
  If you have children, you need to know that we have ministries for them. You need to know that they will be safe and cared for, that our ministries are well-staffed, and that we do background checks for the volunteers.  
  You’ll want to know that we have FREE coffee and treats. It’s cool if you take them into the sanctuary or sit in the coffee cafĂ© to enjoy them. It’s why we want to make sure those first tables are open for our newcomers.
  Then, we want them to have the best seats. They usually want to sit close to the door and toward the back so that they can leave quickly. So, let’s fill up the east section or middle one first. Leave the end chair for them so they don’t have to crawl over you. Be careful about huddling or blocking the entry doors. It’s important to share your name and listen for their name…and more importantly, get their children’s names.  
  If Buc-ee’s can do such a great job of making people feel welcome to make a buck, shouldn’t we as a church family be doing that? What’s at stake for us isn’t the bottom line, it may be the destiny of a soul. It’s our mission and what Jesus called us to! But it can’t be a few. It takes all of us! Can we count on you? Let’s be better than Buc-ee’s!  

Can we help you spiritually? Please check out more resources on our church's web page, Or call us at 262.763.3021. If you'd like to know more about how Jesus can change your life, I'd love to mail you a copy of how Jesus changed my life in "My Story." E-mail me at to request a free copy. Please include your mailing address. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Caring for new church members


“Celebrate what you want to see more of.”
                                                    Thomas J. Peters
Savannah Cottrell writes: “My parents and I were flying home from a quick getaway up North when we noticed something peculiar about the flight we were boarding home. There were tinsel decorations strung on the ceiling of the plane, and country songs were playing over the loudspeaker. I heard from one of the crew that the reason for all the decorations was because this was the pilot’s final flight before his retirement from the airline.
  Later on, I noticed pictures of this pilot from over the course of his career decorating the overhead compartment doors, and commemorative napkins that the pilot’s wife had printed specially for this flight. Once we landed, the flight attendants said kind words about the pilot, two fire trucks sprayed water on the plane in his honor as a celebratory gesture, and we as passengers celebrated the pilot with noisemakers.
  After that flight, I realized that there was a similar – greater – rejoicing in Heaven every time a new Christian believes that Jesus is the Son of God…as it’s documented in Luke 15:10. Can you imagine…a celebration greater than anything on this earth in your honor?”
  On the back of your bulletin, you’ll find our purpose statement: Grace Church exists to glorify our Heavenly Father by continually making more followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s why we’re here. While at Grace, we’re excited when Christ followers who have moved into our community or for some reason, come to us from another church, yet that’s not our purpose. Transfer growth only helps our church grow. We are committed and our purpose is to see heaven grow, seeing the Body of Christ grow as individuals commit their lives to Christ and trust Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
  The new birth is only the first step. As a family, of brothers and sisters in Christ, we have biblical responsibilities to each one of them. We want to see them and every believer at Grace grow into a mature Christian.
  The evidence of spiritual maturity is reproducing new disciples. In other words, Jesus’ purpose for each one of us is to become a spiritual parent. As Christians, we are called to make disciples – to do our part to reproduce Christ’s life in others who don’t yet know our Savior. In Jesus’ last words before He left this earth He commanded us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).
  Christ’s mission of spiritual reproduction must be a priority for every believer. Just as the human race continues because we physically reproduce, so Christianity continues on this planet because Christians spiritually reproduce new believers. The reason the Church in America is shrinking is not so much that people are leaving the church as it is that the average Christian has abandoned or worse, never participated, in the mission the Lord Jesus gave us. So, how can we help new believers grow?
  Pray for them by name. Do you pray for your family? Then, please pray for your spiritual family, particularly those who are young in the Lord and starting a new walk with Christ. Pray that they will grow in spiritual maturity. Pray for them to have a consistent quiet time to read the Bible and pray regularly. Pray for understanding when he/she reads the Bible and that they will grow in their life.
  Pray for their spiritual protection. When we commit our lives to Christ, we switched teams, and now have a vicious enemy. Pray for them to depend on the Holy Spirit to overcome sins they may have struggled with.
  Pray for the person to be able to witness with spontaneity about their new life in Christ. Others around them will wonder what’s happened and brought this change. They’ll have great opportunities to share their faith.
   Include them in fellowship times within and outside our church. Fellowship is crucial to helping a new Christian feel included. It can be as small as sitting with them in a small group or at a church event and making sure that they know that they’re included in the various events our church may have. Invite them to your own home for a meal or to an area restaurant, or just out for coffee. Community life is crucial among believers. It’s vital that they feel welcome with their spiritual brothers and sisters because we’re family and part of His forever family.
  Offer a listening ear and serve them in their times of need. The Christian life is not easy. When times get rough, the newest family member should be able to come to any of their fellow Christians with their struggles without fear of judgment. It’s important to be available and take time to listen, so they can share their heart about any struggles, temptations or fears. As time passes, they’ll have more questions about God’s Word and the Christian life. They need to feel it’s safe to ask questions about the Bible or other aspects of their faith. We need to be available to them. 
  Just love them. We need to share our lives with new believers, being open and honest about the good and bad as well as what God is teaching us. They’re going to struggle. They need to know that we all struggle because while we are saved from the penalty of sin, the presence of sin and its power are continually present for each of us. When you become someone’s friend, you pull back the mask and reveal who you are.
  Becoming a new Christian brings both its joys and challenges. As a newborn needs a family, God has designed us to be a family of older brothers and sisters. They need us to be there to pray with, fellowship with, and listen to and above all, love our newest brothers and sisters in Christ, so we can build the relationship that lasts into eternity, helping them along the way to know Jesus better until we all get Home. 

Can we help you spiritually? Please check out more resources on our church's web page, Or call us at 262.763.3021. If you'd like to know more about how Jesus can change your life, I'd love to mail you a copy of how Jesus changed my life in "My Story." E-mail me at to request a free copy. Please include your mailing address.