You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
And checking it twice;
He’s making a list.
particularly antitheists, will make a comparison between God and Santa. They’ll
suggest, that after all, you can’t see either of them. Then, some believe in Santa
but most don’t. Both see all – weighing up your good and bad deeds – and reward
you based on how good you’ve been. The clincher is that both are essentially
myths that bring people a bit of comfort and joy with not much behind them in
the way of evidence. But the parallels are really only there for those who wish
to force them.
Drawing a link between God and Santa Claus
because you can’t see them is weak. There are lots of things that we can’t see
that exist, nonetheless. For example,
consider time, emotions and history. All things we can’t see but all things
that every sane person accepts exist. Not being able to see something does not
mean it doesn’t exist.
Nor is
existence determined by the number of people that believe. As it happens, if it
were determined by the numbers, theism wins. There are more theists in the
world than atheists and agnostics combined. The validity of God’s existence isn’t
determined by popularity. Even if we insist that “experts” get to decide, truth
isn’t determined by some sort of popularity contest. For a long time, the
overwhelming majority of people believed stomach ulcers were caused by stress
or a terrible lifestyle. Dr. Barry Marshall won a Nobel prize proving that view
wrong, insisting that he was repeatedly told – and held by the majority – to be
entirely wrong. That is until he infected himself with bacteria causing him to
get a stomach ulcer and then curing himself. Truth is not determined by
majority rule.
God is not like Santa Claus. For one, few
adults come to believe in Santa. While it’s common for children to believe the Santa
myth and then, as they grow older and examine the evidence, it becomes clear Santa
is only a fairy tale. Compare this to the multitude of people who grow up to
examine the evidence, having never believed in God before, who come to believe
in Him as an adult. On top of that, there are the people who are taught about
God as children who never shake their belief in Him. You’ll have a tough time
finding anyone who holds to the Santa myth later on in life.
Add to that, we need to compare the behavior
of God and Santa Claus. Santa is a distant figure who watches the world and
rewards people based on their deeds once-per-year. But the God of the Bible is
the One who cares about this world so much that He sent His only Son to enter
it. God is not a moralist who rewards you based on how “good” you are. Instead,
God is a gracious father who gives us the very opposite of what we deserve. He
doesn’t hold out rewards based on whether we please Him with our behavior, He
gives us good gifts out of grace because He loves us.
Most people grow up to stop believing in
Santa not out of a lack of evidence for his existence but because of the positive
evidence against his existence. Most stop believing in Santa that moment they
catch their Mom or Dad laying out all their gifts on Christmas Eve. Even if
that clarifying moment never comes, most begin asking questions that defy
logic. How can Santa fly around the world in one night and deliver all of his
gifts? How does he get down chimneys when he’s so fat? Why has nobody ever seen
a flying reindeer? Why are parents okay with a stranger wandering their house at
night at Christmas but no other time of year?
There are good reasons to actively disbelieve
the Santa Claus myth. People don’t reject it because of the lack of evidence. They
reject it as a result of the overwhelming evidence that he doesn’t exist. Yet, contrast
that with those who come to believe in God, particularly God as revealed in His
Word and in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. They believe because the evidence
is so overwhelming. It’s not evidence that’s simply poured into them as
children which they never managed to dismiss. Many come to faith entirely apart
from being taught it as children.
Add to that, there are unanswered questions.
Where do morals come from? Is it more likely that the universe has always
existed or that it has a cause? Is the fine tuning of the universe better
explained by necessity, chance or design? What explanation best accounts for
the Jesus’ empty tomb, the postmortem appearances and the birth of Christianity?
Many conclude that the evidence points in the direction of the existence of a
real God. They conclude that it’s the answer that has the widest explanatory
power for all these questions, the least ad hoc of all available
Maybe you think that God is a myth and Christianity
is a big fairy tale. But are you sure? Aren’t there other “beliefs” that you were
very sure of at one time?
Can I challenge you to give yourself a gift
this Christmas? Examine the evidence for yourself. Don’t just believe what you’ve
been taught or what others have told you. Check it out for yourself. Read Jesus’
biography for yourself. It’s the original Fab Four – Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John. And maybe pray this simple prayer: God, if You’re real then reveal Yourself
to me. Christianity isn’t a blind leap of faith. Countless skeptics, when they
were honest and examined the evidence, found themselves overwhelmed by the
truth of a loving God who gave His Son as that first Christmas gift for them. I
know that’s true because I was one of them.
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